Year: 2024

Anemone is not the Enemy – Step-it-Up!

I have created a sea anemone using Google Drawings. Here are 3 facts anemones:

  1. It is not a plant, but a living and breathing creature
  2. The anemone’s mouth is on the top of its body, surrounded by stinging tentacles
  3. Clownfish are immune to the anemone’s poison due to a mucous coating – allowing them protection from harm

Do you know any other anemone facts?

Notan Art – Step-it-Up!

I have created a Notan artwork using Google Drawings. The objects in my artwork are a tree which is in the center of the artwork, leaves around it in a variety of sizes and a field of flowers.

The Japanese Notan is a type of artwork that circles around the concept of positive and negative, for example the concept of ying and yang.

Can you guess my artwork’s theme?

Notan Art – Kick Start

I have created Notan Art using Google Drawings. I created this art inspired by things that are happy and funny. This activity was really easy to do and also looks cool.

Did you know that the Notan concept illustrates how positive and negative space meet, and that one cannot exist without the other? Like ying and yang, day and night. The way the objects are placed, are to create a feeling of balance within the artwork.

Have you ever seen or created a Notan artwork?

Cipher and Code – Step-It-Up

I have created an emoji cipher which conceals a message. This activity is my favorite so far, because I like solving puzzles and the info was very helpful. It also reminded me of a book I read relating to the message which is hidden.

Can you figure out the message concealed?

Cipher and Codes – Kick Start

I have created 2 codes that tell you my 2 favorite places I like to visit in summer. One of my favorite types of codes is the Morse code because you can tell something not only by talking, but by sound, like a beep or a signal like a wink. This activity reminded me of one of the SLJ code activities I did last year using SCOPE and Pig Pen code to hide a message.

Can you find out what message they conceal?

Summer Holiday 101 – Step it Up!

I chose Hawaii, because I just can’t get enough of the cool breeze and the hot sun on my face, and the laughter of the public is so infective! I have ‘packed’ the necessary items for the imaginary activities I am going to do.

What is your dream vacation spot and why?

Silhouette Art – Kick Start

I have created a silhouette art featuring me, skydiving above high mountains and pristine lakes. I wanted to do a different pose, so why not make me look like I’m flying? I have also lessened the opacity of the background so you know that the silhouette is the star of the show, or in other words ‘contrast’.

Why do you think ‘the art of silouettes’ are so popular and look so good?

Tessellations – Step-it-Up

I have created tessellations that are regular, semi-irregular and irregular. Creating an irregular tessellation was most difficult for me because I didn’t know what shape to use and how I should connect it to other shapes to create a tessellation.

The difference between regular, semi-irregular and irregular tessellations is that they all have rules. Neither has to have a gap between the shapes.


Regular tessellations contain regular polygons(all sides are the same number and all vertices the same angle) that have exactly the same faces, vertices and size

Semi-irregular tessellations contain combinations of shapes that have their internal angles(vertices) add up to 360 degrees

Irregular tessellations contain irregular polygons(either all sides and vertices not equal, sides not equal, vertices not equal) that fit together perfectly like a puzzle

Tessellations – Kick Start

I have created a tessellation using 6-sided polygons – hexagons. I created the tessellation to look like a honeycomb or a bee’s hive.

Regular tessellations are patterns using polygons. You can only make regular tessellations with regular polygons because the internal angles(vertexes) of the polygon have to add up to 360.

For example, squares tessellate because one of their internal angles(which is 90 degrees) can multiply by 4 to make 360 degrees.


Tessellate: meaning to tile a surface/make pattern

Regular polygon: shape that has all sides the same length and all angles are the same measure(number) ex. square

Tessellations: filling a space with a repeating pattern of identical shapes

How do you think tessellations help in our everyday lives?