Month: January 2023

Outdoor Imagination

This blog post is about me using nature to make critters. The critters I chose were the butterfly and the caterpillar. Below are the things I used to make my critter. I used a plant stalk that is thin, thick leaves from a bush and rose petals.

I hope you like my creations!

Here are the finished products:

Butterfly                                                                        Caterpillar


Geometry Art

Below is my friend and I’s geometry art. We made it using our tablets because our parents had to work and we were staying at our guardian’s house. I hope you like our cool geometry art. The rules we made were:

Draw 3 circles any size 

Draw 2 triangles of any size 

Draw 2 perpendicular lines any thickness 

Draw 4 parallel lines any thickness 

Draw 1 square 

(mine is the top one, my friend Graziel’s  is the bottom one)

Awesome Alliterations

Below is the video of my Awesome Alliteration poem using Google Music Lab. The poem was:

The jazzy jaguar jingled to the jangle of the jungle

Check it out!

Signing in NZSL pt 2

Below is my go at signing a basic greeting and spelling my name. Here is the link that helped me spell my name in NZSL:

The hardest parts were remembering the signs. I use a fun app that helps me with lots of skills including math and English. In my records of all my strengths and weaknesses, my strength was memory, can you believe it?!

I try to use more facial expressions for a special SLJ commenting team!


Below are my slides for Hundertwasser. I really like his art and how he draws nature with people. I hope you like my art inspired by him.