Month: August 2023

Emily’s Phone – Mitey

For Mitey, we created a ‘phone’ in Google Slides to find out what kinds of information you can find on someone’s phone- in my case an abused girl’s phone.

I put lots of detail and information on these ‘apps’ with lots of secrets to uncover. If you need any permission to open any of the apps, please request for access.

Church on Earth and Heaven

How I See It

There is a donut-looking shape with a purple to blue gradient. It symbolizes heaven as the purple colour, and earth as the blue colour. The sun and moon are there to represent opposites between the earth and heaven.

Angels are shown on the purple background, and normal people on the earth background. When we finish our pilgrimage(journey) to a wholler and fuller life at the time of our death, we reach Jesus and are now fully one and holy with Him in heaven.

Jesus is in the center, blessing and welcoming us.

Meningococcal B Disease

Meningococcal disease is an uncommon but serious infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. 

Anyone can get Meningococcal B, but babies, children under 5’s and teens are at most risk.

It’s transferred by:


-Coughing and sneezing

-Sharing drinks, eating utensils

-Living in close quarters(too many people in a confined area)