Kowhai Negative Space Drawing

I drew this kowhai negative drawing using Google Draw. I used the polyline drawing tool to do this because polyline is easy to use. I used this photo as a reference to my photo:

Here are some facts about the kowhai flower:

The kowhai is NZ’s unofficial flower

The kowhai is native to NZ

The kowhai flower grows on a tree

Kowhai means yellow in Te Reo Maori

The kowhai symbolizes personal growth

4 thoughts on “Kowhai Negative Space Drawing

  1. Kia ora Jamie,

    Simon here again from the Summer Learning Journey team. It’s great to see more of your blog posts. This is an awesome drawing of a kōwhai flower you have made! I really like how it is in black and white, and how you created the drawing with Google Draw! It’s quite a cool technique to use the negative space to draw something. Tino pai! Thanks for sharing some awesome information on the kōwhai tree. What is your favourite New Zealand native flower? Mine is the pōhutukawa. Whenever pōhutukawa are blooming it always signifies summer and I love summer time!

    Keep up the good work!

    Ngā mihi,
    Simon (SLJ)

    1. Thanks Simon for the blog comment! My favorite NZ native flower is the pohutukawa aswell because my favorite colour is red and we have a pohutukawa tree in my school! Thanks again

  2. Kia ora Jamie!

    What a fantastic job you did on Google Drawings to create a negative space drawing of a kōwhai. A good choice to use the polyline – and you used it to good effect to create a stylised image. Do you think you’ll use this technique for other plant drawings?
    Did you know that the long part that pokes out of the bottom of the flower is called the stamen, and the round bit on the end of the stamen is the anther where the pollen is made? The kōwhai flowers are shaped like a tube, so birds pick up or leave pollen when they stick their beaks in to reach the nectar at the bottom. Do you know which birds pollinate these flowers?

    Manaiakalani Facilitator (Horowhenua)

    1. Thanks for the blog comment Michelle! I think I will use this line tool for other plant drawings. No, I didn’t know that! The tui and bellbird birds pollinate the kowhai tree. Thanks again

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