Cast of Thousands

A soft nudge from behind makes me alert. I reluctantly turn around, meeting two women embracing. Their expressions clearly show exhaustion. Humidity must have taken over, too. Turning back around, the dim light illuminates the small matchbox in my hands.

The deafening pitter-patters of the pounding rain, sounds like the applause of a protesting crowd. I gently close my dirty palms containing my diary. Giving in, I gradually drift away to dreamland, remembering my family and my sweet home.

Adults War and Children Die

As a reading activity, our class studied the war ongoing between Israel and Gaza.

This Google Drawing is about Banksy, and his artwork about two children. I explain why this artwork is relevant to the war.

The poem below the Google Drawing; shared by Tomo Roberts, explains how war impacts us and our future.

Ballet in a Box

The reception was stuffy with loud schoolkids eager to watch ballerinas leap across a colourful lit stage. Our school had been invited to a free show called Ballet in a Box hosted by RNZB– Royal New Zealand Ballet.

Our class started a hand game called So Makalo which involves at least two players to play. Half our school played, entertaining one other school. Sadly, I don’t have any access to any photos of us playing it. Check my fellow classmates’ blogs to view the photos of us playing.

The stage was huge with a tall red curtain and there were plenty of seats to choose from, but our school sat in the first three rows.

Classical ballet was first, and were introduced by two lovers at a flower festival. The female ballerina was wearing a flowy dress, which probably had flowers on it although I don’t remember.

Our class had been taught a bit of a dance called Frenzy. The dance type is called contemporary and it was shown on stage with music from a New Zealand band.

The last and my personal favorite for me, is called Mahina. It is about two lovers realising the impact from our actions which could reflect on the earth. Mahina’s dress looked similar to this girl’s dress.