Day: November 11, 2022

Abbas’ Diary Entry 3: A New Start

Diary Entry 3: A New Start

I arrive at this new school in New Zealand with my siblings. I look around unknowingly and follow the other kids, grabbing my backpack tightly as I walk into a room. Fear takes over as I listen to a woman talk at the other end of the room. Other children stare at me squinting and saying things I can’t understand. Suddenly I hear the teacher call my name. It reminds me of my mum calling me on an adventure I will never forget. I get up from my bright blue chair and walk up to the teacher. She says some things I don’t understand but repeatedly says my name. I look at the brightly coloured walls feeling hopeful.

Minutes later a sudden ring of what sounds like a bell rings non-stop for 4 seconds. The teachers says more unidentifiable words and points to the door as all the children run out excitedly, some of them showing me hand movements towards them.  I sprint from the rocky grey concrete as I almost trip on the kerb. My excitement unravels with a huge smile on my face when I touch the vibrant green grass and a white flower.

I run over to the kids playing on a brightly coloured playground. I jump and climb on a spider web while other kids show me around pointing at fun-looking obstacles. As time goes by, again the sound of a bell rings in my ear as I follow the same kids back to the colourful room. When the last bell rings to tell everyone to go home, all the kids from this school run out  to the black steel gate and wait for their mums and dads. I sprint quickly to my dad and tell him all about my adventurous day from playing in the play ground to meeting new friends.”Slow down Abbas,” Dad says. “I can see you like your new school!” “Of course I do” I replied in a cheery voice.

Back at our house after eating my favorite meal, I lie in my soft bed, eyes closed, thinking about all the things tomorrow will bring.